Hey fellow Truebies!
How are you holding up post-True Blood?
I hope that you are hanging in there with the show as it moves toward Season 4 and what I’m anticipating may be the best season yet (no hype).
EDIT/ I finally gave in and made some time to take a virtual hike around the Internet to read the general reactions to Season 3 and more specifically, the season 3 finale. I’d like to throw some ideas out–several that were half-formed previously now but due to some insights that I gained from my little trip I think I have a better understanding of what happened and why. More tomorrow or Sunday (9.26). In the meantime, I’d love to hear yours!
As you know (I hope) this blog has been a labour of love. Throughout the True Blood season–even months before, I put in full-time hours trying to make it the best it could be. I’m always finding something that needs doing. I have not finished my character section to my satisfaction for one, and now that season 3 has officially ended I need to tie it up in a pretty bow as I have with seasons 1 and 2.
Please do not take this as a “poor me” statement–just the unvarnished truth. I’ve built and maintained this blog completely on my own. That wouldn’t be such a big deal but in trying to let’s just say pay some bills, I maintain 4 other blogs. They all need attention and again, it’s just me.
It was sort of a, scratch that, it was a big let down that HBO didn’t throw a single bone my way in terms of contest sponsorship or letting me in on news releases and such. Every day I scoured around the ‘net and essentially picked at what I could find. I got pretty good at knowing where to look and I am pretty happy with my True Blood (HBO copyrighted) screen caps but without HBO’s support it’s been really hard to build readership. Essentially, it gets sucked away (LOL — unintentional pun) to the big sites. Sometimes I think they’ve earned it, other times when I see gossipy items about the personal lives of the True Blood actors or obviously unwanted paparazzi shots I think ick, I can’t go there. And I haven’t. (OK. One time with ASkars but he’s a pretty fun-loving guy IRL and the shot was everywhere on the web so yeah, one time.) The most recent example was the pap shots of Steve and Anna’s wedding. I read that helicopters were buzzing around during the ocean-side ceremony and the paparazzi were everywhere and I thought that is not what this is about. The True Blood Blog is about celebrating the HBO show True Blood and occasionally posting about events related to the show or projects, especially charity-type endeavors that True Blood actors are involved with.
I’m not sure if I want to push stuff like True Blood actors appearing at casinos during the hiatus as I’ve been asked to. It just seems…tacky. So I think what I’m going to do just as many of the True Blood actors have been doing during most of the time off is take a break from True Blood.
As I said, I will still be working on the blog but it will be more organizing and replacing videos that have gone bad and the like. Sort of cleaning and straightening.
There is a ton of material here and given that the show returns in June with filming starting in less than 2 months I don’t think the break will be that long. I expect that as soon as shooting is underway the news will start flowing especially casting news, so I’ll most likely do a weekly or twice weekly ’round up of anything interesting and post it here.
Huge thanks to everyone that has come ’round and given me the warm fuzzies.
And on the topic of coming ’round, if you are interested in contributing content or know how to do any “inside stuff” with fixing up The True Blood Blog or you want to share the latest buzz, announcements, fan art or any fan creation or you have ideas or suggestions–whatever– drop me a note at thetruebloodblog@gmail.com or leave a comment here on the blog. I’d love to hear from you. Tell me how you are coping without your weekly fix of True Blood. In the meantime tho’, farewell.
I’ll see you sooner than later.
Your fellow Truebie,
P.S. I have emailed the Sookie’s Choice contest winners. I want to get their permission before I use their first names to congratulate them.
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